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Personal stats

1  basix
Last talked: Today 20:16
Visits: 816
Status: Operator
Lines: 115566
Active days: 436/538
Average lines per day: 265
Average letters per line: 19.0
Has given ops 60 times
Has kicked out 5 people
Has been kicked out 10 times
Number of descriptions: 3
Topics set: 84
CAPS ratio: 1.8%
Question ratio: 3.6%
Number of nicks used: 10
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

2 Kangar
Last talked: Today 19:24
Visits: 123
Status: Operator
Lines: 115179
Active days: 493/538
Average lines per day: 234
Average letters per line: 19.6
Has given ops 62 times
Has kicked out 57 people
Topics set: 209
CAPS ratio: 1.5%
Question ratio: 5.7%
Exclamation ratio: 0.6%
Number of nicks used: 62
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24


Big Numbers

jayk needs to get a better connection - joined #autech 904 times during this reporting period...
The evil guard of #autech was Kangar who got this reputation after kicking out 57 people.
 [03:19] <Jazza`> gn
[23:55] *** Jazza` was kicked by Kangar (Kangar)

Also edge` tried to look cool by kicking out 8 people.

The sore butt award goes to Jazza` for being kicked out 52 times.
 [03:19] <Jazza`> gn
[23:58] *** Jazza` was kicked by Kangar (Kangar)

basix was thrown out just 10 times.

Kangar was #autech's op-fairy, giving out 62 ops.

Kangar behaved badly and got deopped 15 times.
Brix was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 19% of lines contained questions.

...and the silver medal goes to Alporfavor - with a question ratio of 16%.

basix seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 2985 times...

Kangar also chatted to himself 1703 times.

Rimmer` didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 25 letters per line.

Average line length on #autech was 19 letters.

People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, Kangar...)
Kangar62 Nicks Kangar(91%), Kangar-(4.0%), KangarPP(2.0%), KangarParty(1.0%), Kangar-afk(0.3%), Kangar`(0.2%), KangarSlp(0.2%), Kangardead(0.2%), Kangar-slp(0.2%), Kanfar(0.1%), Kangae(0.1%), KangarStudy(0.1%), KangarEssay(0.1%), KangarOut(0.1%), kANGARGOLF(0.0%), KangarUni(0.0%), KangarHATEGOLF(0.0%), KangarNap(0.0%), Kangar-aom(0.0%), KangarCas(0.0%), KangarAoM(0.0%), KANGARPASS...
gamblor60 Nicks gamblor(81%), gamblor`(8.9%), gambly(7.4%), gamblorPP(0.7%), Gamblaway(0.7%), gamblor-afk(0.4%), gamblyafk(0.3%), gamblorafk(0.2%), gambloroo(0.1%), gamblor-angel(0.1%), gamblyslp(0.1%), gambor(0.0%), gamblyaway(0.0%), gamblorLV(0.0%), gamblor-slp(0.0%), gamblorfood(0.0%), gambly-afk(0.0%), gambllor(0.0%), gamblorPL(0.0%), gamblysnax(0.0%), gamblorf(0.0%), gamblor-away(0.0%...
jayk46 Nicks jayk(65%), jaykPP(15%), jayk-party(6.8%), jayk-(6.0%), jaykEP(2.9%), jayk-modo(0.4%), jayk-away(0.4%), jayk-bbl(0.4%), jaykPPPP(0.4%), jayk-poker(0.3%), jaykPPEP(0.2%), jayk-draft(0.2%), jaykMODO(0.1%), jayk-out(0.1%), jaykPPPPEP(0.1%), jayk-uni(0.0%), jayk-PP(0.0%), jaykparty(0.0%), jayk^(0.0%), jaykEPPP(0.0%), jayk-walk(0.0%), jayk-paradise(0.0%), jay-k-(0.0%), jayk-rake(0.0%), jayk-giveup(0.0%...
edge`23 Nicks edge`(81%), edge`afk(8.1%), edge`out(4.9%), edge`brtb(2.0%), edgefooty(0.8%), edgeafk(0.7%), edge`slp(0.6%), edgebrb(0.3%), edgebball(0.3%), edge`raw(0.1%), edge`brb(0.1%), edge``(0.1%), edge`ourt(0.1%), edgeslp(0.1%), edge`fest(0.1%), edge`NYE(0.0%), edgeUFC41(0.0%), edge`PTQ(0.0%), edge`row(0.0%), edge`outr(0.0%), edge`footy(0.0%), edge`wwf(0.0%), edge`bball(0.0%)
TBS14 Nicks TBS(82%), TBS-(10%), TBSatlant(5.1%), TBSparty(1.7%), TBSlp(0.2%), TBShower(0.1%), TBScas(0.0%), TBStrivia(0.0%), TBSaway(0.0%), TBS_afk(0.0%), TBSmodo(0.0%), TBSdinner(0.0%), TBSdrivin(0.0%), TBSlp-(0.0%)

Activity distribution

6/2003 - 5/2004

Lines per day Number of days
3 (0.8%)
2 (0.6%)
10 (2.8%)
28 (7.9%)
33 (9.3%)
98 (28%)
162 (46%)
17 (4.8%)

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mIRCStats v1.21 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen